Panning Effect


typedef struct _IPLPanningEffect_t *IPLPanningEffect

Pans a single-channel point source to a multi-channel speaker layout based on the 3D position of the source relative to the listener.


IPLerror iplPanningEffectCreate(IPLContext context, IPLAudioSettings *audioSettings, IPLPanningEffectSettings *effectSettings, IPLPanningEffect *effect)

Creates a panning effect.

  • context – The context used to initialize Steam Audio.

  • audioSettings – Global audio processing settings.

  • effectSettings – The settings to use when creating the panning effect.

  • effect – [out] The created panning effect.


Status code indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.

IPLPanningEffect iplPanningEffectRetain(IPLPanningEffect effect)

Retains an additional reference to a panning effect.


effect – The panning effect to retain a reference to.


The additional reference to the panning effect.

void iplPanningEffectRelease(IPLPanningEffect *effect)

Releases a reference to a panning effect.


effect – The panning effect to release a reference to.

void iplPanningEffectReset(IPLPanningEffect effect)

Resets the internal processing state of a panning effect.


effect – The panning effect to reset.

IPLAudioEffectState iplPanningEffectApply(IPLPanningEffect effect, IPLPanningEffectParams *params, IPLAudioBuffer *in, IPLAudioBuffer *out)

Applies a panning effect to an audio buffer.

This effect CANNOT be applied in-place.

  • effect – The panning effect to apply.

  • params – Parameters for applying the effect.

  • in – The input audio buffer. Must be 1-channel.

  • out – The output audio buffer. Must have as many channels as needed for the speaker layout specified when creating the panning effect. For example, if the speaker layout is IPL_SPEAKERLAYOUTTYPE_SURROUND_5_1, the output buffer must contain 6 channels.


IPL_AUDIOEFFECTSTATE_TAILCOMPLETE to indicate that this effect does not generate any tail samples.


struct IPLPanningEffectSettings

Settings used to create a panning effect.

Public Members

IPLSpeakerLayout speakerLayout

The speaker layout to pan input audio to.

struct IPLPanningEffectParams

Parameters for applying a panning effect to an audio buffer.

Public Members

IPLVector3 direction

Unit vector pointing from the listener towards the source.