

void iplReflectionsBakerBake(IPLContext context, IPLReflectionsBakeParams *params, IPLProgressCallback progressCallback, void *userData)

Bakes a single layer of reflections data in a probe batch.

Only one bake can be in progress at any point in time.

  • context – The context used to initialize Steam Audio.

  • params – Parameters to use for baking reflections data.

  • progressCallback – (Optional) This function will be called by Steam Audio to notify your application as the bake progresses. Use this to display a progress bar or some other indicator that the bake is running.

  • userData – (Optional) Pointer to arbitrary data that will be sent to the progress callback when Steam Audio calls it.

void iplReflectionsBakerCancelBake(IPLContext context)

Cancels any running bakes of reflections data.


context – The context used to initialize Steam Audio.

void iplPathBakerBake(IPLContext context, IPLPathBakeParams *params, IPLProgressCallback progressCallback, void *userData)

Bakes a single layer of pathing data in a probe batch.

Only one bake can be in progress at any point in time.

  • context – The context used to initialize Steam Audio.

  • params – Parameters to use for baking pathing data.

  • progressCallback – (Optional) This function will be called by Steam Audio to notify your application as the bake progresses. Use this to display a progress bar or some other indicator that the bake is running.

  • userData – (Optional) Pointer to arbitrary data that will be sent to the progress callback when Steam Audio calls it.

void iplPathBakerCancelBake(IPLContext context)

Cancels any running bakes of pathing data.


context – The context used to initialize Steam Audio.


struct IPLReflectionsBakeParams

Parameters used to control how reflections data is baked.

Public Members

IPLScene scene

The scene in which the probes exist.

IPLProbeBatch probeBatch

A probe batch containing the probes at which reflections data should be baked.

IPLSceneType sceneType

The type of scene being used.

IPLBakedDataIdentifier identifier

An identifier for the data layer that should be baked.

The identifier determines what data is simulated and stored at each probe. If the probe batch already contains data with this identifier, it will be overwritten.

IPLReflectionsBakeFlags bakeFlags

The types of data to save for each probe.

IPLint32 numRays

The number of rays to trace from each listener position when baking.

Increasing this number results in improved accuracy, at the cost of increased bake times.

IPLint32 numDiffuseSamples

The number of directions to consider when generating diffusely-reflected rays when baking.

Increasing this number results in slightly improved accuracy of diffuse reflections.

IPLint32 numBounces

The number of times each ray is reflected off of solid geometry.

Increasing this number results in longer reverb tails and improved accuracy, at the cost of increased bake times.

IPLfloat32 simulatedDuration

The length (in seconds) of the impulse responses to simulate.

Increasing this number allows the baked data to represent longer reverb tails (and hence larger spaces), at the cost of increased memory usage while baking.

IPLfloat32 savedDuration

The length (in seconds) of the impulse responses to save at each probe.

Increasing this number allows the baked data to represent longer reverb tails (and hence larger spaces), at the cost of increased disk space usage and memory usage at run-time.

It may be useful to set savedDuration to be less than simulatedDuration, especially if you plan to use hybrid reverb for rendering baked reflections. This way, the parametric reverb data is estimated using a longer IR, resulting in more accurate estimation, but only the early part of the IR can be saved for subsequent rendering.

IPLint32 order

Ambisonic order of the baked IRs.

IPLint32 numThreads

Number of threads to use for baking.

IPLint32 rayBatchSize

If using custom ray tracer callbacks, this the number of rays that will be passed to the callbacks every time rays need to be traced.

IPLfloat32 irradianceMinDistance

When calculating how much sound energy reaches a surface directly from a source, any source that is closer than irradianceMinDistance to the surface is assumed to be at a distance of irradianceMinDistance, for the purposes of energy calculations.

IPLint32 bakeBatchSize

If using Radeon Rays or if identifier.variation is IPL_BAKEDDATAVARIATION_STATICLISTENER, this is the number of probes for which data is baked simultaneously.

IPLOpenCLDevice openCLDevice

The OpenCL device, if using Radeon Rays.

IPLRadeonRaysDevice radeonRaysDevice

The Radeon Rays device, if using Radeon Rays.

struct IPLPathBakeParams

Parameters used to control how pathing data is baked.

Public Members

IPLScene scene

The scene in which the probes exist.

IPLProbeBatch probeBatch

A probe batch containing the probes for which pathing data should be baked.

IPLBakedDataIdentifier identifier

An identifier for the data layer that should be baked.

The identifier determines what data is simulated and stored at each probe. If the probe batch already contains data with this identifier, it will be overwritten.

IPLint32 numSamples

Number of point samples to use around each probe when testing whether one probe can see another.

To determine if two probes are mutually visible, numSamples * numSamples rays are traced, from each point sample of the first probe, to every other point sample of the second probe.

IPLfloat32 radius

When testing for mutual visibility between a pair of probes, each probe is treated as a sphere of this radius (in meters), and point samples are generated within this sphere.

IPLfloat32 threshold

When tracing rays to test for mutual visibility between a pair of probes, the fraction of rays that are unoccluded must be greater than this threshold for the pair of probes to be considered mutually visible.

IPLfloat32 visRange

If the distance between two probes is greater than this value, the probes are not considered mutually visible.

Increasing this value can result in simpler paths, at the cost of increased bake times.

IPLfloat32 pathRange

If the length of the path between two probes is greater than this value, the probes are considered to not have any path between them.

Increasing this value allows sound to propagate over greater distances, at the cost of increased bake times and memory usage.

IPLint32 numThreads

Number of threads to use for baking.


enum IPLReflectionsBakeFlags

Flags for specifying what types of reflections data to bake.
